Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report for Hafs Academy
- What kinds of special educational needs does the academy make provision for?
Hafs Academy supports students with a wide range of needs that fall under the four main categories of SEN:
- Cognition and learning
- Communication and interaction
- Physical and sensory
- Social emotional mental health (SEMH)
- How does the Academy know if students need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?
Students who may need extra help are identified by gathering information from teachers, parents, the students, and the education, health, and care services, and by working closely with our feeder primary schools to build a full picture of the student’s needs prior to their entry to the Academy. During their time at Hafs Academy, we continue to monitor the progress of all students to aid the identification of students with SEND. Continuous monitoring of students with SEND by their teachers helps ensure that they are able to reach their full potential and enables the Academy to put in appropriate support and review its effectiveness. The SENCo will analyse student progress and put interventions into place in response.
If parents/carers are concerned that their child may have special educational needs, they can contact the SENCo, [insert name of SENCo], on 020 8555 4260, or email info@hafsacademy.org.uk. - Information about the academy’s policies for making provision for students with special educational needs whether or not pupils have EHC Plans, including:
- a) How does the academy evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for students with special educational needs?
The provision for students with SEND is evaluated through tracking progress, monitoring data collection, and regular reports. The Academy takes feedback from staff, parents, and students throughout the year to review the effectiveness of SEND provision. The SENCo and senior leaders conduct daily learning walks to observe engagement and progress in lessons, ensuring a holistic view of student learning. - b) How will both the Academy and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the Academy help me to support their learning?
Parents/carers will be informed of their child’s progress at parents’ evenings, with additional reviews if the student is receiving SEND support. If the student has an EHCP, termly reviews will be held. The SENCo is present at parents’ evenings and can be contacted via phone or email to schedule additional meetings. - c) What is the academy’s approach to teaching students with special educational needs?
The Academy follows a graduated response approach in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015). Differentiation and high-quality teaching are used to meet students’ needs within the classroom. If further support is needed, additional classes and interventions may be provided. Teachers receive ongoing professional development in SEND to best meet students’ needs. - d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person’s needs?
The curriculum at Hafs Academy is flexible to meet the needs of all students. Teachers differentiate the curriculum to ensure all students can access the learning, and adjustments are made where necessary to support individual needs. - e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?
Decisions about the type and amount of support are made in consultation with parents, students, and the Inclusion Department, taking into account the student’s individual needs and progress. - f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including academy trips?
The Academy ensures all students, including those with SEND, are included in extracurricular activities and trips. Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure full participation in these activities. - g) What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall well-being?
Hafs Academy offers strong pastoral support through Heads of Year and a dedicated Inclusion team, providing well-being support for students. The school has a safeguarding team with an open-door policy for students to access support.
- Who is the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and what are their contact details?
The SENCo at Hafs Academy is [Insert Name]. They can be contacted by email at info@hafsacademy.org.uk or on the academy’s phone number, 020 8555 4260. - Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and about how specialist expertise will be secured.
Staff supporting students with SEND are provided with ongoing professional development (CPD) in SEND. Additional training may be arranged as required. Hafs Academy also consults with external specialists, such as Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapists, as needed. - How will equipment and facilities to support students with special educational needs be secured? How accessible is the school?
The Academy is accessible for students with physical disabilities, with designated accessible toilets, a lift, and other reasonable adjustments to support student movement. - What are the arrangements for consulting parents of students with special educational needs?
Parents are regularly updated about their child’s progress through reviews, reports, and parents’ evenings. The school values the importance of close collaboration with parents to ensure appropriate support is in place. - What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEND and involving them in their education?
Students are encouraged to participate in decisions about their education, with their views considered during the review process. Students are also included in the Academy Council and other consultation groups. - What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEND provision made by the school?
If a parent or carer has a concern or complaint, they should raise it initially with the SENCo, who will work to resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved within 10 working days, parents can follow the formal complaints procedure. - How does the Academy involve other organisations and services in meeting the needs of students with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?
Hafs Academy works with external agencies when additional support is required. This includes health services, social care, and local authority services. - How does the Academy/setting seek to signpost organisations, services, etc., who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?
The Academy provides details of external support services, including SENDIASS, and works closely with these organisations to assist parents and students in need. - How will the school prepare my child/young person to:
- Join the Academy (KS2 – KS3):
The SENCo visits feeder primary schools and arranges additional meetings if needed. Transition programs are designed to ensure a smooth move from primary to secondary school. - Transfer between phases of education (KS3 – KS4):
The Inclusion team supports students and parents in navigating the transition process, ensuring options are understood and that students are fully prepared. - Prepare for adulthood and independent living (KS4 – Post 16):
Students in Year 10 start preparing for life after school with the support of Careers Advisors and assistance in applying for colleges or post-16 provisions.
- Where can I access further information?
Further information about SEND at Hafs Academy can be accessed through the [Academy Website or insert link to policy]. Additional resources can also be found at the Waltham Forest SEND Local Offer website.
support to both schools and parents https://sendsuccess.org.uk/
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