Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision at Hafs Academy
Hafs Academy is committed to providing high-quality education that caters to the diverse needs of all students, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Our aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of their individual challenges, is given the support they need to achieve their potential.
Multi-agency Collaboration
We work closely with external professionals and agencies, holding multi-agency liaison and planning meetings as appropriate, to ensure effective collaboration in identifying and planning support for vulnerable students. These meetings include input from specialist services, such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, and other professionals, to offer holistic support for each child.
Provision for SEN Students
At Hafs Academy, all students identified with Special Educational Needs benefit from:
- Early identification of needs, starting at admission and throughout their academic journey at Hafs Academy.
- Continuous communication between staff, parents, and students to ensure needs are identified and supported as they evolve.
- Access to specialist support, including Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Academic Mentors.
- Additional support, including Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) or additional resources, to help students realise their potential.
- Protocols in place for students who need time-out or ‘shut down’ moments.
We offer a range of interventions to support our students with additional needs. These include but are not limited to:
- Quality First Teaching
- LSA in-class support
- Dyslexia screening (Lucid LASS)
- Literacy interventions (Lexia, Direct Instruction, Sound Training)
- Reading comprehension groups
- Numeracy support
- Social skills development (one-to-one or small groups)
- Student Support Workers
- Homework Club
- Mentoring support for students in Year 11
- Speech and Language therapy
Staff Training and Development
Hafs Academy is dedicated to ensuring that staff are well-equipped to meet the needs of all students. Each student on the SEN register has a personalised strategy sheet outlining their specific needs and recommended strategies. Ongoing professional development (CPD) is provided throughout the year, covering various SEN specialties. The SENCO and leadership team regularly observe classrooms through ‘Learning Walks,’ ensuring that the needs of SEN students are being met effectively.
Examination Access Arrangements
To ensure equal access to assessments, we make reasonable adjustments for students with SEN. These may include readers, scribes, or additional time, based on diagnostic assessments and normal classroom practice. The SENCO works closely with staff to complete applications for access arrangements.
Student Well-being and Support
At Hafs Academy, the well-being of our students is our priority. If a student is experiencing emotional difficulties, we provide support through our academic mentoring programme, student support team, and access to external agencies when necessary.
We take bullying seriously and have a zero-tolerance approach. Our Anti-Bullying Policy outlines how we actively prevent and address bullying behaviours, creating a safe learning environment for all students.
For students who have difficulty managing their behaviour, particularly when linked to emotional or social challenges, we implement a range of strategies such as increased communication with parents, regular check-ins, additional support from staff, and small group sessions focused on emotional literacy or conflict resolution.
Reasonable Adjustments
In line with the Equality Act 2010, we make reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities or medical needs. This includes:
- Providing lifts for students with mobility issues
- Offering alternative formats for handouts (e.g., large print, coloured paper)
- Tailoring behaviour policies and seating arrangements
- Providing additional time or support for assessments
Behaviour Management
Our behaviour policy is designed to ensure a disruption-free learning environment. We work with students who struggle to regulate their behaviour, particularly those with diagnosed needs, by implementing personalised strategies and providing additional support.
Medical Needs
Hafs Academy has a designated staff member responsible for supporting students with medical needs. We collaborate with parents to create tailored health care plans for students with life-threatening conditions, ensuring all relevant staff are trained and informed.
Support for Parents
We recognise the importance of engaging with parents and carers to support our students. Parents are encouraged to participate in planning meetings and have access to relevant training to assist them in supporting their child’s progress. We also host regular parent evenings and share information through newsletters and the school website.
Preparing for Transition
Hafs Academy prepares students for key transitions, whether it is moving to a new key stage or post-school planning. We ensure that students with SEN receive the necessary support during these transitions, including familiarisation with new settings, meetings with key staff, and personalised plans to support their next steps.
Contact Information
For more information or if you have any concerns regarding your child’s special educational needs, please feel free to contact Hafs Academy at:
- Telephone: 020 8555 4260
- Email: info@hafsacademy.org.uk