Building positive parent partnerships:
Parents and Carers: Partnership in Education
At Hafs Academy, we strongly believe in the importance of a supportive and collaborative partnership between parents, carers, students, and the academy. We understand that a strong relationship based on trust, confidence, and mutual respect is essential for a student’s success. When we work together, we create a positive environment that enables each student to thrive.
Our home-school partnership is built on clear and consistent communication, including:
- Parent induction sessions at the start of the academic year
- A parent handbook outlining key information
- Regular newsletters to keep you informed about academy news and events
- Access to your child’s homework diary for tracking progress
- Recognition of students’ achievements through awards and prizes
- Ongoing contact with your child’s form tutor
- Direct access to subject teachers for support
- Two progress reports and one full report annually
- Early transition meetings with your child’s tutor
- Annual meetings with subject teachers to discuss progress
- Incident sheets to inform you of any concerns or issues
- Utilisation of modern communication tools to improve our connection
We encourage parents and carers to support the positive focus of our academy, celebrating success through rewards and recognition. However, if a student is not meeting expectations, we see it as our responsibility to guide and remind them of our standards. If these challenges persist, appropriate measures, including detention, may be implemented.
We will always keep you informed and invite you to meetings to discuss ongoing concerns. Together, we will create a support plan to ensure your child’s improvement and success. Our goal is simple: every student should do their best, and we will not tolerate any behavior that disrupts the academy experience for others.