Further Communication
Character Journal
All students are given a character journal at the start of the academic year. It contains useful information for your child, as well as a full year diary.
The journal is an effective point of contact between you and the Academy. You may write messages to staff within the journal, and individual staff members may also write messages to you. You can always ask your child to ensure that a member of staff signs your message to confirm they have seen it.
Communication with Your Child’s Form Tutor
Any queries relating to your child should first be directed to their form tutor. Parents/carers are encouraged to contact the form tutor to discuss any aspects of their child’s education or welfare.
If you feel the need to speak to someone at a more senior level, you can contact reception and request the Head of Year 7. If there are still concerns, you may ask for the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) link for Year 7, and finally, Ms Skae, the Principal.
You can contact the school, register your child’s absence, make payments, and view your child’s praise and sanction points using Arbor. Please look out for the letter detailing how to access this system towards the end of this academic year.
Student Progress
Teachers may notify parents of any concerns they might have about a student’s progress. This could be via a written note in the journal, telephone call, app, email, or letter.
You will receive regular progress reports for your child throughout the year.
The Academy holds a parents/carers’ consultation evening for each year group. You will receive a letter in advance with the time and date. Parents/carers and their children in Year 7 are expected to attend. We aim for 100% attendance at these events, which are crucial in ensuring that we are working together to achieve the very best for your child.
For Year 7 parents/carers, there will also be a meeting with form tutors within the first month of school to discuss how your child has settled into academy life. You will receive separate information regarding this event.
Academic and pastoral assessment is ongoing throughout the year. There are two formal sets of examinations: one in January and one in June. Parents/carers will have the opportunity to see how their child is progressing through progress reports sent after each set of examinations.
Academy News
The Academy will send regular updates on events taking place within the Academy via email, text messages, and website updates. We also use social media, such as Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter), to share news about academy life. Reminders of key dates, such as holiday closures and staff training days, will be sent out. Please ensure your contact details are up to date.
Let me know if you’d like further adjustments!