Praise and Sanctions
By demonstrating the values of Respect, Determination and Ambition, our students can earn respect points.
They are given in the form of P1 (+1), P2 (+2) or P3 (+3) according to the table below.
Where a student fails to demonstrate our values, they will lose respect points and be given a sanction. They are given as S1 (-1), S2 (-2) and S3 (-3)
New Leaf Monday & Values Booklets
We all make mistakes, and we deserve recognition when we change our behaviour for the better. For that reason, every half term the Respect Boards in the Agora are reset to zero for every student. If a student did well in the previous half term and gained a positive score, then they now must show they can do it again. If a student did not do well and had a negative score, then they now have a second chance. For this reason, we call the first Monday back after each holiday ‘New Leaf Monday’.
New Leaf Monday isn’t just about resetting the respect boards. We also use this time as an opportunity to reflect on the extent to which students have demonstrated the school values over the previous half term and to set targets for the new half term. The first week of each half term is a time for reflecting on successes, learning from mistakes, and setting a positive tone for the weeks ahead. Students are provided with a ‘values booklet’ which they fill in with their tutor’s guidance during the first week back.
Respect Assemblies
The final assembly of each half term is a ‘rewards and recognition assembly’. We use these assemblies to recognise the exceptional achievements of students before New Leaf Monday starts everyone off from zero. In these assemblies, students are congratulated on exceptional attendance, high respect point totals, and excellent academic performance.